Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Revision ~ I read this article ~ Newbie "Wedding Planners" Plague the Professionals

I Just read this article ~ (link is below) was posted quite some time ago, but am reminded everyday of this ongoing issue. How terrible to call it a battle, but when you have put in the back breaking time and effort, I think you have a right to stand up and tell others "WTH do you think you're doing!!!!"

I understand that this is a profession that will never stop growing, and I thank God for that. But the up and coming need to realize that they need to show some respect and smart business sense OF THE PROFESSION!! Trying to lower the standard and our worth is going to get you burried.  Willingness to put in the time & effort with an open mind and learn that this business is not a big party, but real work, to stand the test of time.

I'm amazed by the creative talent that is surrounding us and seriously hope that this industry will continue to grow creatively and possitively.  There is so much room for growth and the with the help of all the creative geniuses out there, who wouldn't want to be part of it?  I see so many facets that just weren't there 20 years ago.  Yay!  It's only made my job more meaningful and more fun!  Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a playground full of fabrics and lights and feathers and flowers.  And it's cool.

I am still excited everyday that I am a part of the wedding and event industry and feel blessed. I get giddy before an event like I can't help but to laugh and sing!!! We build such close relationships with our clients that when it's over, my heart hurts that I won't be #1 on thier speed dial. I love when a new idea is being worked out and you can see the excitement in a bride's eyes with a look of "can we really do that?" I love when a Father dances with "his" little girl and isn't afraid to break down and SOB!  Or when you get so close to a family that you automatically have Sunday supper on your calendar for the next year. 
So, to everyone new to the industry, the absolute best of luck to you all ~ seriously.  But please respect the position you're in and never, never think you know it all. Learn something new from each event. Take the time to learn a caterer's job, a rental companies job, a florist job. It's tough, and if you don't know how they function, you're gonna have a pretty hard time with that itinerary of yours!!!

Newbie "Wedding Planners" Plague the Professionals

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